Factitious Disorders
Factitious Disorders (Munchausen Syndrome) with Psychological Signs and Symptoms
- 網站建置者: Andrei Szoke, M.D. (France).
- Bibliography of print and online articles.
Dr. Marc Feldman𠏋 Munchausen Syndrome, Factitious Disorder, and Munchausen by Proxy Page
- 網站建置者: Marc Feldman, M.D.
- Links to Web sites and articles, including scientific articles, case reports, and personal accounts by people with these conditions.
Mothers Against Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Allegations
- 網站建置者: Mark Patrick.
- Newspaper and journal articles that suggest that there is an 弌ssault on innocent parents?by professionals who are 𡤧areer building at the expense of children.?
Munchausen by Proxy Survivors Network
- 網站建置者: Munchausen by Proxy Survivors Network.
- Bibliography on MSBP, with a few links to other sites.
- Art and poetry by survivors.