不被Axis直接歸為精神醫學分類的健康狀況 Medical Conditions with Psychiatric Ramifications Not Directly Associated with Axis I or II Disorders
Advanced Techniques for Overcoming CFS [Chronic Fatigue Syndrome], FMS [Fibromyalgia Syndrome], and GWS [Gulf War Syndrome]
- 網站建置者: Glenn Weinreb, GW Instruments.
- Extensive Web links about these conditions.
- Discussion of strategies for treating aspects of each condition, but without information about the authority of these sources.
HIVInfo Web
- 網站建置者: Aegis, a nonprofit organization.
- This is a very large, frequently updated database of information about HIV/AIDS.
- Rapidly searches its own database and other large Internet resources on AIDS.
- Lists clinical trials.
- Well-organized collection of annotated links to other AIDS sites.
AIDS Clinical Trials Information Service
- 網站建置者: Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
- Searchable database of clinical trials for AIDS treatment.
- Lists drug information.
AIDS Knowledge Base
- 網站建置者: University of California San Francisco, San Francisco General Hospital.
- A highly technical textbook on AIDS, its prevention and treatment, and associated legal issues.
American Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- 網站建置者: American Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
- Links to many sites about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
- Bibliographies of the scientific literature.
- Web site is not updated frequently.
American Gulf War Veterans Association
- 網站建置者: American Gulf War Veterans Association.
- Extensive collection of links to online news releases, articles, and Web sites.
American Thyroid Association
- 網站建置者: American Thyroid Association, a professional association dealing with research and treatment of thyroid disorders.
- Describes the association𠏋 professional activities.
- Online brochures for patients concerning thyroid disorders.
- Links to relevant Web sites for professionals.
The Body: An AIDS and HIV Information Resource
- 網站建置者: Body Health Resources Corporation.
- Well-organized document library and FAQs concerning AIDS and its treatment and prevention.
- Forums in which experts answer submitted questions.
- Bulletin boards on HIV-related topics.
Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Association of American, Inc.
- 網站建置者: CFIDS Association of America, Inc.
- Fact sheet about CFS.
- Extensive collection of articles from the Association𠏋 newsletter, intermingled with links to abstracts from scientific journals.
- Research news.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fibromyalgia Information Exchange Forum
- 網站建置者: Raymond Colliton.
- Directory of Web sites about these conditions.
- Hyperlinks to articles about CFS and FMS with summaries of their content.
Diseases of the Liver
- 網站建置者: Howard J. Worman, M.D., Columbia University.
- FAQs about liver diseases and treatment.
- Annotated summaries of recent papers.
- Links to other sites on liver disease.
Endocrine Diseases
- 網站建置者: YourDoctor, Inc.
- Extensive FAQs concerning the various parts of the endocrine system, disorders, and treatment.
- The site map is particularly useful.
Epilepsy Foundation
- 網站建置者: Epilepsy Foundation, a support and advocacy group for people with seizure disorders.
- FAQs for nonprofessionals about epilepsy and its treatment.
- Links to local affiliates around the U.S.
Fibromyalgia Network
- 網站建置者: Fibromyalgia Network.
- Fact sheets about fibromyalgia diagnosis and treatment.
- Links to relevant Web sites.
Hep-C Alert
- 網站建置者: Hep-C Alert, a nonprofit educational association.
- FAQs and links about Hepatitis-C and recent news topics.
- 網站建置者: Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.
- Describes the hospital𠏋 programs for supporting at-risk mothers.
Nervous System Diseases
- 網站建置者: Karolinska Institutet (Sweden).
- Extensive megasite for central and peripheral nervous system diseases and their treatments.