Cocaine-Related Disorders
Co-Anon Family Groups
- 網站建置者: Co-Anon.
- 網站建置者s 12-step meetings for family members and friends of cocaine abusers.
- Description of the program, with some online pamphlets and FAQs.
- Directory of local meetings.
Cocaine and Reinforcement
- 網站建置者: Chris Lott, Department of Psychology, University of Alaska at Fairbanks.
- Slide show that outlines the idea that cocaine is a powerful reinforcer.
Cocaine Anonymous UK Web Site
- 網站建置者: Cocaine Anonymous UK.
- Describes CA𠏋 12-step program, with contact information for UK meetings.
Cocaine Anonymous World Services Online
- 網站建置者: Cocaine Anonymous.
- A 12-step program for cocaine (including crack) users.
- Contact numbers and Web sites for local meeting information.
- Online pamphlets about the program.
Cocaine User Helping Hand
- 網站建置者: Unknown.
- A number of useful links to information about cocaine and cocaine abuse treatment.
Information on Drugs of Abuse: Cocaine
- 網站建置者: National Institute on Drug Abuse.
- Fact sheets on crack and cocaine.
- Recent and relevant news articles from NIDA.
MEDLINEplus Health Information: Cocaine Abuse
- 網站建置者: National Library of Medicine.
- Portal page with links to U.S. Government Web sites about cocaine abuse and treatment.