A. Alzheimer𠏋 Type
Alzheimer Europe
- 網站建置者: Alzheimer Europe.
- Multilingual site with annotated reviews of other sites.
- FAQs for the nonprofessional.
- Had not been updated in over a year at the time of our visit.
The Alzheimer Page
- 網站建置者: Washington University (St. Louis) Alzheimer Disease Research Center.
- Companion site to a mailing list for anyone interested in Alzheimer𠏋 Disease.
- Archives of the mailing list going back to 1994.
- Well-organized links, with brief descriptions, to other Web sites dealing with aging and dementia.
Alzheimer Research Forum
- 網站建置者: Alzheimer Research Forum.
- Up-to-date information about AD research.
- Different entry points for physicians, researchers, and others. The latter leads to annotated links to pages within this and other sites.
Alzheimer Society of Canada
- 網站建置者: Alzheimer Society of Canada, which has a mirror site in French.
- Nice graphics with links (some annotated) to other Web sites.
- FAQs about Alzheimer𠏋 Disease and research on its causes.
- Contains links to personal stories of Alzheimer𠏋 Disease.
- Pages useful to caretakers of people with Alzheimer𠏋.
Alzheimer Web
- Link forwards to http://home.mira.net/~dhs
- 網站建置者: David Small.
- Focuses on Alzheimer-related research.
- Automatically updates information on Alzheimer's research that is added weekly to the MEDLINE database.
Alzheimer𠏋 Association
- 網站建置者: Alzheimer𠏋 Association.
- FAQs on Alzheimer𠏋 for caregivers and professionals.
- Selection of links to other Alzheimer𠏋 Web sites.
- 網站建置者: PlanetRx.
- A well-organized site with fact sheets about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
- Current news stories on Alzheimer𠏋 research.
- Links to other Web sites are described and reviewed in detail.
Alzheimer𠏋 Disease Education and Referral Center
- 網站建置者: Alzheimer𠏋 Disease Education and Referral Center of the National Institutes of Health.
- Link to a database of articles on Alzheimer𠏋.
- Lists Alzheimer𠏋 Centers in various states, all funded by the National Institute on Aging.
- Database of clinical trials.
Alzheimer𠏋 Disease International
- 網站建置者: Alzheimer𠏋 Disease International, an umbrella organization of Alzheimer𠏋 associations.
- This hierarchically constructed Web site contains much information that is several clicks away from the home page.
- Annotated links to Web sites of Alzheimer𠏋 associations and other information resources around the world.
- Information for caregivers.
- Describes a research program known as ?0/66 Group.?
B. Vascular Dementia
Vascular Dementia
- 網站建置者: Alzheimer𠏋 Association NSW (Australia).
- FAQs on vascular dementia.
- This site is not frequently updated.
C. Dementia Due to Other Medical Conditions
1. HIV
See also the AIDS Web sites listed in chapter 4, section E.
Psychosocial Interventions in Persons with HIV-Associated Neuropsychiatric Compromise
- 網站建置者: Body Health Resources Corporation.
- A 1998 book chapter by Stephen L. Buckingham and Michael Shernoff.
2. Head Trauma
Brain Injury Association USA
- 網站建置者: Brain Injury Association USA, a support organization for brain-injured people and their families.
- Extensive resource of online information, both technical and general, about brain injury and rehabilitation.
- Links to state associations.
- Nice graphics.
- Many links to other Web sites for professionals and the general public, often with brief descriptions.
National Resource Center for Traumatic Brain Injury
- 網站建置者: Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Brief FAQs and links (with brief descriptions) to relevant Web sites.
3. Parkinson𠏋 Disease
National Parkinson Foundation, Inc.
- 網站建置者: National Parkinson Foundation, Inc.
- Surgical options.
- Features self-assessment questionnaires for Parkinson patients to track the progress of the disease; the Web site notes that these instruments have not been validated.
- Lists surgical centers for Parkinson, including contact information and hyperlinks.
- Has a 鏠aregiver𠏋 Site.?
Parkinson Foundation of Canada
- 網站建置者: Parkinson Foundation of Canada.
- Brief fact sheets about the disease and basic care.
- Links to regional Canadian associations and lists their fundraising events.
Parkinson𠏋 Disease Foundation, Inc.
- 網站建置者: Parkinson𠏋 Disease Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit organization that funds research grants.
- Describes the Foundation𠏋 work.
4. Huntington𠏋 Disease
Caring for People with Huntington𠏋 Disease
- 網站建置者: Department of Neurology, University of Kansas Medical Center; Huntington𠏋 Disease Support Groups.
- Detailed FAQs about Huntington𠏋 Disease and specific issues associated with caring for them.
- Links to relevant Web sites.
Huntington𠏋 Disease Information
- 網站建置者: Renette Davis, a librarian at University of Chicago.
- A graphically plain site with many valuable links to information about HD.
- Click on 𡌃lectronic Resources on Huntington𠏋 Disease?for a long single page of links for the professional and the general public.
- Lists fictional treatments of HD, many with capsule descriptions.
Huntington𠏋 Disease Society of America
- 網站建置者: Huntington𠏋 Disease Society of America, which 網站建置者s research and functions as a supportive resource.
- Abstracts of recent research.
- Lists genetic testing centers, long-term care facilities, and self-help groups.
- Sells videotapes about caring for people with HD.
Huntington Society of Canada
- 網站建置者: Huntington Society of Canada, an organization of volunteers and professionals that
網站建置者s research on HD.
- Lists meetings and publications of the Society.
- FAQs about HD.
- Has mirror sites in English and French.
5. Pick𠏋 Disease
Pick𠏋 Disease Support Group Online
- 網站建置者: Pick𠏋 Disease Support Group, which serves caregivers in Europe and North America.
- Archive of newsletters and message board posts.
- Personal narratives of caregivers.
- Links to sites on Pick𠏋 and Alzheimer𠏋 Diseases.
Pick𠏋 Information Page
- 網站建置者: Bob Hoffmann.
- Links to fact sheets, personal narratives, and support groups.
6. Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease
Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease Foundation, Inc.
- 網站建置者: Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease Foundation, Inc.
- FAQs about the disease.
- Lists recent headlines concerning the disease, but without links to the articles themselves.
- Lengthy article about different theories concerning the disease agent.
- Links to upcoming conferences.
The UK Creuztfeldt-Jacob Disease Surveillance Unit
- 網站建置者: Western General Hospital (Edinburgh).
- Describes research being done by this facility, with a bibliography of their print publications. This site is not frequently updated.
Official Mad Cow Disease Home page
- 網站建置者: Sperling Biomedical Foundation.
- A collection of articles on this disease, with summaries of the scientific literature. The Webmaster𠏋 opinions and newspaper articles are liberally interspersed.
- The Web site lists brief titles for many articles on this site; a search engine would make it much easier to locate desired information.