Personality Disorders
Aggression and Transference in Severe Personality Disorders
- 網站建置者s: Otto F. Kernberg, M.D.; Psychiatric Times.
- Excerpts of a 1995 presentation by Kernberg on the effects of hatred and aggression on the treatment relationship with personality disordered patients.
Antecedents of Personality Disorders in Young Adults
- 網站建置者s: Joseph M. Rey, M.D.; Psychiatric Times.
- Six-year follow up study of adolescents who had been referred to a treatment unit in Australia.
All About Personality Disorders
- 網站建置者s: Mental Health Net and CMHC Systems.
- Brief summary of the basics about personality disorders.
- Outlines one person𠏋 view of each personality disorder and suggested treatment approaches.
Self Psychology Page
- 網站建置者: International Council for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology.
- Focus is the approach of Heinz Kohut, which gives narcissism and its vicissitudes a central role in the etiology of personality disorders.
- Original papers and conference abstracts.
- Many articles and lectures by well-known advocates of self psychology can be found here and nowhere else.
- Links to other Web sites offering training in self psychology and psychoanalysis.
An Equifinality Model of Borderline Personality Disorder
- 網站建置者s: Joseph Santoro, Ph.D., Michael Tisbe, M.D., Michael Katsarakes; American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress.
- The authors?description of BPD as the product, either singly or in combination, of PTSD from early childhood and biological vulnerability.
Avoidant Personality Disorder Homepage
- 網站建置者: Unknown.
- Support site for people with Avoidant Personality Disorder.
- Brief description of the disorder with links to relevant Web sites.
- Personal narratives and a link to join a mailing list.
Behavioral Technology Transfer Group
- 網站建置者: Behavioraltech (WA), founded by Marsha M. Linehan, Ph.D.
- Offers training and consultation in Linehan𠏋 Dialectical Behavior Therapy treatment approach to Borderline Personality Disorder.
- Summary of DBT, which was written for this site by Linehan.
- Links to handouts and other DBT workshop materials.
Borderline Personality Disorder Sanctuary
- 網站建置者: Tim Pheil (OR).
- Many full-text articles about BPD for the professional.
- Links to related Web sites and mailing lists.
- Clinicians?forum (discussion board) about BPD.
BPD Central
- 網站建置者: Eggshells Press.
- A support resource for family members and others associated with someone who has BPD.
- FAQs about BPD, along with an explanation of myths about the diagnosis.
- Links to related Web sites and mailing lists.
Masterson Institute for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
- Describes training programs, publications, and tapes on Masterson𠏋 approach to the treatment of personality disorders.
Narcissistic Personality: A Stable Disorder or a State of Mind?
- 網站建置者s: Elsa Ronnington, Ph.D.; John Gunderson, M.D.; Psychiatric Times.
- Summary of a prospective study of narcissistic patients.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: How to Recognize a Narcissist
- 網站建置者: Joanna M. Ashmun.
- Description of the personality and traits of a narcissistic individual, from a nonprofessional perspective.
NPD Central
- 網站建置者: Murray Kester, who was formerly married to a narcissist.
- Includes information about Narcissistic Personality Disorder for 𢖯rofessionals, students, and victims of NPD.?
- Hosts a mailing list for people who have a significant other or parent who is/was a narcissist.
- Although not a scholarly list, much of the material gives the reader an understanding of what it is like to be involved with someone who has this disorder.
Personality Disorders Institute
- 網站建置者: Personality Disorders Institute, Weill Medical College, Cornell University.
- Overview of BPD for the general public.
- Descriptions of books by Institute staff.
Schema Therapy
- 網站建置者: Jeffrey Young, Ph.D.
- An extension of cognitive therapy to the treatment of personality disorders.
- Includes slide shows of basic concepts in Schema Therapy and cognitive therapy.
Secret Shame
- 網站建置者: Unknown.
- Information and hyperlinks to Web sites that provide support for self-mutilative individuals.
- Site is not updated frequently.
Self-Harm Links
- 網站建置者: iTurf, Inc.
- Links to many Web pages about self-mutilation, presented in alphabetical order and with little or no annotation.
Seminar on Substance Abuse and Axis II Personality Disorders: Full Text Articles
- 網站建置者s: Bob and Sharon Ekleberry
- Detailed review articles for each of the personality disorders, with recommendations for treatment.
- Useful for professionals working with any personality disordered patient, with or without concurrent substance abuse.
Without Conscience
- 網站建置者: Robert D. Hare, Ph.D.
- Extensive bibliography of print publications on psychopathy and Antisocial Personality Disorder, which appears to be frequently updated.
- Abstracts of recent articles.
- Describes Hare𠏋 psychological instrument, the Psychopathy Checklist.