抽動性疾患 Tic Disorders
Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc.
- 網站建置者: Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc.
- Fact sheets about Tourette, back issues of TSA𠏋 newsletter, organization
information about TSA𠏋 support activities.
- This site is not frequently updated.
Tourette Spectrum Disorder Association, Inc.
- 網站建置者: Tourette Spectrum Disorder Association, Inc.
- Full-text scientific articles about Tourette; a thorough and very useful
chart describing medications used to treat Tourette, ADHD, and OCD; and a few
annotated links to other relevant sites.
Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada
- 網站建置者: Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada.
- FAQs about Tourette.
- Lists local affiliate chapters throughout Canada.
- There is a French version of this site.
Tourette Syndrome Support in the UK
- 網站建置者: Unknown; 𨧻 am simply a mum who wanted to provide info about TS in the
- Has some FAQs about Tourette and comorbid conditions.
- Links to over 300 related sites.
- Lists links to alternative therapies.
Tourette-syndrome.com (Tourette𠏋 Disorder)
- 網站建置者: S. Craig Whitley, father of a child with Tourette.
- Fact sheets for the nonprofessional.
- Lists more than 150 links to relevant Web sites.