and Disruptive Behavior Disorders
A. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
About.com: Attention Deficit Disorder
- 網站建置者s: About.com and the 孄uide?for this topic, Bob Seay, a teacher who
has ADD.
- Many online articles and FAQs for the nonprofessional about all aspects of
ADD Clinic
- 網站建置者: ADD Clinic (NV).
- FAQs about ADD/ADHD for the nonprofessional.
ADD WareHouse
- 網站建置者: ADD WareHouse, a publisher of books, newsletters, and videos.
- Online catalog and store of this publisher𠏋 products.
- 網站建置者: Dr. Anthony Laws, a pediatrician.
- FAQs, a few links to other sites, and a description of an assessment tool
developed and marketed by Dr. Laws.
- 網站建置者: ADDNet UK, a volunteer organization.
- Numerous full-text articles and FAQs about ADD/ADHD and treatment options.
- Lists UK support groups.
- 網站建置者: ADDvance Magazine, a print publication for women and girls
with ADD/ADHD.
- Includes sample articles from the magazine that contain advice.
- Lists relevant Web sites, some with brief descriptions.
ADD/ADHD Online Newsletter
- 網站建置者: Laura Stevens, who has a Masters in Food and Nutrition.
- Free online newsletters espousing the viewpoint that food sensitivities trigger the onset of
- 網站建置者: CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
Disorder), a support and advocacy group.
- Describes the organization𠏋 services and local support groups.
- Brief fact sheets.
- A page of links to Web sites in related areas such as governmental policy, disability, and
ADD/ADHD organizations.
Feingold Association of the United States
- 網站建置者: Feingold Association of the United States.
- Articles, FAQs, and links to other sites concerning the hypothesis that food
additives cause ADD/ADHD.
National Attention Deficit Disorder Association
- 網站建置者: National Attention Deficit Disorder Association, a nonprofit volunteer
- Many valuable full-text articles about ADD and ADHD for nonprofessionals.
- List of Web sites, with capsule descriptions and reviews.
- Has a Kid𠏋 Area.
Office of Special Education: Attention Deficit Disorder
- 網站建置者: Office of Special Education, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia.
- A page of links to various Web sites about ADD/ADHD.
One ADD Place
- 網站建置者: Great Connections, a Web site developer.
- For the nonprofessional. Links to online articles, FAQS, and Web sites about
ADD/ADHD and learning disorders.
- This site is not frequently updated.
Parents Against Ritalin
- 網站建置者: Parents Against Ritalin, a nonprofit association.
- Newsletter and contact information.
- This site is not frequently updated.
Ritalin, Adderall, Other Stimulants䭻urther Resources
- 網站建置者: Peter R. Breggin M.D., a psychiatrist who has been hired as a
medical consultant for a class action suit against CHADD, the manufacturer of
Ritalin, and American Psychiatric Association.
- Press releases, tables of side effects, and other articles attacking
stimulants. Dr. Breggin believes ADD is not a disorder but a label that is
used to justify the drugging of disruptive children.
B. Conduct and Oppositional Defiant Disorders
A Place for Us: Oppositional Defiant Support Group
- 網站建置者: This is a companion site to a message board for parents of oppositional
- Links to full-text articles about diagnosing ODD and conduct disorders.
- Lists regional support groups and relevant governmental resources.
Institute for the Study of Antisocial Behaviour in Youth
- 網站建置者: Institute for the Study of Antisocial Behaviour in Youth (Canada).
- Sells newsletters that summarize current research.
- No specific information about antisocial behavior is available at this site.