A. Reading Disorders including Dyslexia
Academic Language Therapy Association
- 網站建置者: Academic Language Therapy Association, an association of professionals who
treat students with dyslexia and related disorders.
- FAQs about the association, with membership information.
- Directory of Web sites concerning dyslexia and other learning disabilities.
British Dyslexia Association
- 網站建置者: British Dyslexia Association.
- Describes BDA𠏋 programs, publications, and conferences.
Davis Research Foundation
- 網站建置者: Davis Research Foundation
- A charity that provides grants to public schools for children with dyslexia or other learning
Dyslexia Institute
- 網站建置者: Dyslexia Institute (UK), a charity that assesses dyslexia and trains teachers to
work with dyslexic people.
- FAQs about assessing dyslexia and educational approaches to dyslexic
Dyslexia Magazine for Parents
- 網站建置者: John Bradford, MA, an educator that conducts long-distance assessments for
- Articles for parents helping their children cope with dyslexia.
Dyslexia Online
- 網站建置者: Dr. Harold Levinson, a psychiatrist and neurologist (NY).
- Describes Dr. Levinson𠏋 theory that dyslexia results from an inner ear, rather than a
cortical, dysfunction.
Dyslexia: The Gift
- 網站建置者: Davis Dyslexia Association International, which trains facilitators and markets
a method of helping people cope with dyslexia.
- FAQs about the Davis Method with personal testimonials.
- There is an excellent directory of sites at
Greenwood School for Dyslexia
- 網站建置者: Greenwood School for Dyslexia (VT).
- Click on 𣫮esources?for links about dyslexia that may be of use to parents
and teachers.
International Dyslexia Association
- 網站建置者: International Dyslexia Association.
- Describes IDA𠏋 programs and conferences.
- FAQs about dyslexia in the form of full-text articles, which address
concerns of parents, college students, and educators.
- Lists relevant print resources and organizations.
Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic
- 網站建置者: Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, a nonprofit organization.
- Records textbooks and educational materials and distributes them to eligible members for a
nominal annual fee.
B. Mathematics Disorder
Mathematics Disorder
- 網站建置者: Adam.com, an online research for health information.
- Brief overview article for the general public about this disorder and its treatment.
C. Disorder of Written Expression
Mental Health Net: Disorders of Written Expression
- 網站建置者s: Mark Dombeck, Ph.D.; CMHC Systems.
- Summarizes DSM-IV criteria for this disorder.
D. Web Sites with Relevance to All Learning Disorders
Internet Special Education Resources
- 網站建置者: Internet Special Education Resources.
- A directory of LD professionals, with a few articles on LD written for parents.
LD Online
- 網站建置者: WETA, a public broadcasting television station (DC).
- A Web site about LD for parents, teachers, and children.
- By far the most extensive collection of LD resources in a single Web site.
- FAQs about LD and an online newsletter.
- Numerous full-text articles by leading professionals and organizations.
- Offers many opportunities for exchanging information, including bulletin
boards, a chat room, and a monthly 弌sk the expert?feature.
- First-person material, including narratives by teachers, parents, and students.
- 㞠idZone?includes art work by LD children.
- Extensive annotated hyperlinks to LD resources, lists of national and state organizations,
a calendar of LD events, and a place to order PBS videotapes about learning disabilities.
Learning Disabilities Association of America
- 網站建置者: Learning Disabilities Association of America.
- Describes LDA𠏋 programs and referral network, services to parents, and
advocacy resources for people with LD.
Learning Disability Resources
- 網站建置者: Office of Special Education, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia.
- An assortment of links to Internet resources and print publications about LD.
National Center for Learning Disabilities
- 網站建置者: National Center for Learning Disabilities.
- Describes the organization and its programs.
- Links to many related organizations.
- Full-text articles for parents and teachers of learning disabled children.
- FAQs about LD.
Teens Helping Teens/Teens vs. Dyslexia
- 網站建置者: New York branch of the International Dyslexia Association.
- Supportive information and study tips written mostly by dyslexic teens for
dyslexic teens.
- A few links to other LD Web sites.
VSA arts
- 網站建置者: VSA arts, an affiliate of the John F. Kennedy Center for the
Performing Arts that offers art-based programming for the disabled.
- Describes VSA𠏋 programs; online gallery of work produced by disabled
people in the programs.
- Click on 𣫮esources?for links to other Web sites about disabilities and the