Sites of Interest
A Minor Consideration
- 網站建置者: A Minor Consideration, a nonprofit association to support child actors.
- Articles on the dilemmas faced by child actors and celebrities.
Administration on Developmental Disabilities
- 網站建置者: Administration on Developmental Disabilities, U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services.
- Describes the agency𠏋 programs, regulations, and outcomes; links to other Web sites
concerning developmental disabilities.
The Behavior Home Page
- 網站建置者s: Kentucky Department of Education; University of Kentucky Department of
Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling.
- Detailed descriptions of behavioral interventions for classroom teachers to use when dealing
with children𠏋 behavior problems.
- Discussion forum.
- 網站建置者: Pinnacle Communications Group.
- Information about causes of and treatments for drooling.
Family Village
- 網站建置者: Family Village.
- Extensive fact sheets and hyperlinks for specific disabilities.
- Internet links to general information about disabilities.
- This site is not frequently updated.
National Association of Developmental Disabilities Councils
- 網站建置者: National Association of Developmental Disabilities Councils.
- Describes the association.
- Click on 𣫮esources File?for a list of printed materials and a few
hyperlinks concerning developmental disabilities and the Americans with
Disabilities Act.
Office of Special Education Programs
- 網站建置者: U.S. Department of Education.
- Lists current projects, funding opportunities, and updates to Federal regulations.
- A few online brochures about general topics such as safe schools.
Shaken Baby Alliance
- 網站建置者: Shaken Baby Alliance, which provides support to families of Shaken Baby
Syndrome victims.
- Victim advocacy and family support information.
- Bibliography of medical articles and books.
Williams Syndrome Association
- 網站建置者: Williams Syndrome Association, an information and support resource.
- Describes Williams Syndrome and criteria for diagnosis.
- Links to resources, related Web sites, educational approaches, and professional and
parent conferences.
Williams Syndrome Comprehensive Web Site
- 網站建置者: Williams Syndrome Foundation, which promotes training in the arts and music
for people with Williams Syndrome.
- FAQs about the disorder and many links for parents and professionals.
- Detailed descriptions of camps for children with WS.
Williams Syndrome Foundation (UK)
- 網站建置者: Williams Syndrome Foundation (UK), which promotes research and provides
advocacy services.
- FAQs on the disorder.
- Summaries of recent research.
- Detailed online versions of booklets concerning children and adults with WS.
Wrightslaw: Special Education Law and Advocacy
- 網站建置者s: Pete Wright, an attorney with learning disabilities of his own who represents
children with disabilities; Pam Wright, a psychotherapist who edits an online newsletter,
The Special Ed Advocate.
- Specific and highly useful information on how to advocate for the educational
requirements of children with special needs.
- Summaries of recent news items.
- Includes links to relevant statutes and case law decisions.