A. Separation Anxiety Disorder
The Separation Anxiety Page
- 網站建置者: Program in Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorder, Duke University (NC).
- A summary of diagnostic criteria and differential diagnostic issues; a few links to related
B. Selective Mutism
Selective Mutism Foundation, Inc.
- 網站建置者: Selective Mutism Foundation, Inc., which promotes research and
dissemination of knowledge about the disorder.
- Describes the Foundation𠏋 services.
- FAQs about the disorder.
- Links to relevant Web sites.
Selective Mutism Group
- 網站建置者: Selective Mutism Group, which was started by parents of a child
with selective mutism.
- The site is a support resource for parents and teachers of children with
selective mutism.
- Click at the bottom of the page for site index.
- Has an area where questions can be answered, but does not say who answers them.
- Bibliography of journal articles.
C. Reactive Attachment Disorder
- 網站建置者: Association for Treatment and Training in the Attachment of Children.
- Describes attachment therapy and its rationale.
- A few articles summarizing research findings.
- Lists relevant Web sites.
Attachment: Theory and Research @ Stony Brook
- 網站建置者s: Everett Waters, Ph.D., and Judith Crowell, M.D.; State University of New York
Stony Brook.
- Full-text articles from scientific journals concerning attachment theory.
- The site is not clinically oriented but is an invaluable resource for clinicians wanting to
understand the role of attachment in child development and adult relationships.
- Includes a library of attachment measures.
The Attachment Center at Evergreen
- 網站建置者: The Attachment Center at Evergreen (CO), a treatment center for attachment
disordered children.
- Describes the Center𠏋 treatment philosophy and research program.
- Articles from their newsletter.
- Links to Web sites about attachment and adoption issues.
Attachment Disorder Support Group
- 網站建置者: Attachment Disorder Support Group.
- Information for nonprofessionals, listing of treatment centers and support resources, and testimonials.
Attachment Home Page
- 網站建置者: Attachment Associates (UT).
- FAQ section about attachment disorder and links to Web sites about parenting children with
attachment issues.
Heal the Hearts Foundation
- 網站建置者: Heal the Hearts Foundation, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to
promote education about attachment disorder, to provide charitable support for training therapists in attachment therapy, and to provide charitable support for the cost of treatment.
- Lists contact information and Web sites for treatment centers and attachment therapists.
D. Stereotypic Movement Disorder
The Movement Disorder Society
- 網站建置者: The Movement Disorder Society.
- Describes the Society𠏋 meetings and training videotapes.
- 網站建置者: Worldwide Awareness and Education for Movement Disorders.
- Helpful fact sheets about Parkinson𠏋 Disease, Dystonia, and other movement
- Links for government agencies and support/advocacy organizations.